Degree, Accreditation and Grading

A student who has been accepted to the EDISS programme and who has successfully completed their studies under this programme will be awarded a double degree. One of the diplomas is always awarded by AAU (Finland), and the other diploma is awarded by the partner university that hosts the student during the second-year specialization track. Both of the diplomas are officially recognized legal documents and they state that the student has completed a master’s degree at the university in question.  

Depending on the chosen second-year specialization track followed during the EDISS programme, the Student will obtain one of the following degrees in addition to the Master of Science degree (Technology) in Computer Engineering received from AAU: 

  • Master of Science in Computer Science or Master of Science in Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering (depending on the chosen courses) from MDU 
  • Master’s degree in Computer Science from UAQ 
  • Master’s degree in Intelligent Systems from UIB 

In addition, each student who has been accepted to the EDISS programme and who has successfully completed their studies in this programme will receive a Joint Diploma Supplement alongside with the master’s degree diplomas. The Joint Diploma Supplement will provide a description of the nature, level, content, context and status of the studies pursued and successfully completed by the student. 


The grading scales for the universities are given below: 

Grading scale (courses and thesis) at AAU and MDU  

A  (5) EXCELLENT: outstanding performance with only minor errors
B  (4) VERY GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors
C  (3) GOOD: generally sound work with a number of notable errors  
D  (2) SATISFACTORY: fair but with significant shortcomings 
E  (1) SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria 
F (FAIL):  performance does not meet the minimum academic criteria. 

Some courses are graded on a pass/fail basis 

Grading (courses and thesis) at UIB 

UIB  Grading interval/ Grade  Term in Spanish ECTS Grades   Term used in English  
9-10  Matrícula de honor  A  Distinction  
9-10  Sobresaliente (Excel·lent in Catalan)  A  Excellent  
8-8.9  Notable  B  Very good   
7-7.9  Notable  C  Good  
6-6.9  Aprobado  D  Satisfactory  
5-5.9  Aprobado  E  Pass  
< 5  Suspenso  F  Fail  

Grading at UAQ 

UAQ  Course Grading interval/ Grade   UAQ Thesis Grading  ECTS Grades    Term used in English 
29- 30L  9-10 A  Excellent   
26-28  B  Very good    
23-25  C  Good   
20-22  D  Satisfactory   
18-19  E  Pass   
<18   F  Fail